August 18th

Looking for something new to add to your Summer podcast rotation? We’re listening to the Media Jack’s “The Flipside Podcast”! A long-time friend of Northern FanCon, J.D. Boutilier is an 18 year media veteran and has 400+ episodes for you to dive into!

Since hitting the airwaves in 2007, the Flipside Podcast has always been about learning other people’s stories, connecting with the audience and never compromising with what is true. Prior guests include Bret “The Hitman” Hart, Colin James, Michael Hogan, Kyprios, Meg Turney and most recently, “The Green Ranger”, Jason David Frank.  News, Sports, Love, Fitness, Music, Cosplay, Video Games, Hot Rods … nothing is off the table when you pull a seat up to “The Flipside Podcast”.  You can watch on Youtube and listen on Spotify, Anchor, RadioPublic and almost anywhere else podcasts are hosted.

#NorthernFanCon #SupportPG #takeonPG #podcast #themediajack #cityofPG

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